Catalogue Release | Lubok Leipzig

Stefan Rinck, Lubok Leipzig

The sandstone sculptures by sculptor Stefan Rinck are reminiscent of figures from a mediaeval bestiary or of the gargoyles on cathedral roofs and towers that served to chase away evil spirits and demons. Rinck, who also studied German literature, art history and philosophy, finds his sources of inspiration in various epochs of art, in mythology and in the worlds of make-believe, humorously and imaginatively combining them with contemporary, comic-like imagery.

Catalogue with 27 colour and 64 duplex illustrations in offset print, designed by Andrej Loll, with a text by Bazon Brock (german/​ english), Clothbound Hardcover, 120 pages, 23×32,5 cm, edition of 500. Released 05/2016
ISBN 978-3-945111-25-3

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